
Emerging processes and structures in trust-based organisations: A multiple case study of the role of collective vulnerability and music practices in conflict resolution workshops and innovations in peace education


Vegar Jordanger

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A core focus for this research project is the study of transformative possibilities of small groups. More concretely, this PhD dissertation shows how it is possible to create peace and reconciliation at the community level when that seems almost impossible. To explore how that could be done two dialogues which took place in the North Caucasus were studied in detail (paper 1 and paper 2). These two dialogues with participants from that region were part of a larger peace building project. This research shows how it is possible to use music in certain ways to transform experiences of collective vulnerability characterised by helplessness and hopelessness, so that people in conflict instead can experience profound interconnectedness, trust, a new shared identity, and a shared desire to work for a common goal. Hence, this research project shows how well facilitated collective vulnerability experiences can lead to long lasting transformation, at the individual, group and organisational levels. Indeed, the NGO that organised these dialogues was transformed and became a self-organised organisation. Linking the findings related to the transformations that were observed in the North Caucasus, a self-organised school in Berlin – Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum – was studied with respect to its organisation model and educational practices (paper 3). The background for doing this third case study was to find out more about potential benefits and challenges a shift to self-organisation may entail. To study how pupils experience and deal with the freedom, autonomy, and responsibility they are given – core aspects of self-organisation – two of the most important learning practices at the school were studied, namely age mixed classes and tutor teacher talks. The study found that age mixed classes promote autonomy through pupils developing specific metacognitive skills. The study also found that tutor teacher talks are important for pupils and teachers to develop relationships characterised by trust, including developing secure attachment bonds. The results of this study and other studies on self-organised organisations indicate that replacing the traditional power hierarchy with self-organisation principles can have many benefits, and that such organisations can face other types of challenges that can be important to be aware of. The methodological choice for this research project was a case study approach that allowed for studying the unique (and related) phenomena in three cases – based on multiple sources of qualitative data for each case. Data gathering techniques included participant observation and interviews done by multiple researchers. This approach combined with the study of other relevant empirical in other fields, allowed for generating new knowledge with regards to collective vulnerability and related phenomena. In the light of contemporary European and world social scenarios such as the war in Ukraine, the migration crisis, the populist dynamics of politics, the ecological crisis, and challenges within education and organisations, this research can offer significant practical contributions. Copyright© 2022 by Vegar Jordanger All rights reserved. This work may not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, or other – without written permission from the copyright holder, except by reviewers, researchers, or writers, who may quote brief passages in a review, articles or books. All rights reserved.

Citation (Chicago Author-Date):
Jordanger, Vegar. 2022. “Emerging Processes and Structures in Trust-Based Organisations: A Multiple Case Study of the Role of Collective Vulnerability and Music Practices in Conflict Resolution Workshops and Innovations in Peace Education.” PhD, Trondheim: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU.
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