Announcements in Music in Peacebuilding

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forthcoming book - Dieter Senghaas's Hearing Peace: Music, Sound and Notes in Peace Education

forthcoming book - Dieter Senghaas's Hearing Peace: Music, Sound and Notes in Peace Education

Dieter Senghaas

Springer is excited to announce the forthcoming publication of Dieter Senghaas's _Hearing Peace: Music, Sound and Notes in Peace Education_. This is the English translation of Senghaas's crucial work in the Music in Peacebuilding field, and is expected to be released in April 2025 (at which time MOMRI will endeavor to include it in the Hub Library). Abstract: "Listening to peace. When social scientists, publicists and teachers approach the problem of peace, they pay special attention to the causes of violence and war. Recently, however, insights into the causes of peace have gained broad resonance. The question is which factors, individually and in their interaction, are sustainably conducive to peace. Aesthetic dimensions of a peace order, however, usually remain underexposed, although the problem of peace can be impressively conveyed through images of peace. The fact that the essays in this book explain that access to various dimensions of peace through musical and compositional contributions can also be illuminating: Which peace-relevant problems have composers addressed in their works? Striking examples are explained. They are all to be found in the offerings of classical, i.e. value-retaining music of the past five centuries."

April 2025
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平和を歌うコンサート・concert for singing peace

平和を歌うコンサート・concert for singing peace

art forest 芸術の森

We would like to inform you of our activities. Sunday, December 1st, 13:00 Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art Atelier 1 "Singing Peace Concert" In 2025, the Nippon Foundation's financial support for refugees will end Ukrainian refugees will begin to live independently in Japan We want to support refugees in living in Japan We are working to create more opportunities to connect people and build friendships Since April, we have been holding monthly meetings where Ukrainian refugees and Japanese people can sing together, do handicrafts, and understand each other (In August, we started supporting used towels in the flooded areas of Yamagata) The refugees have experienced their culture being accepted by Japanese people The Japanese people have learned about peace and culture from the war victims I was able to learn Participants ranged from 5 to 85 years old, including people with disabilities, from Ukraine and Japan We hope to spread grassroots multicultural coexistence and intergenerational international cultural exchange, where people meet face to face and hold hands, from Hyogo Prefecture Concert performers Ukrainian refugees - Professional traditional dancer (Has not appeared in public for two years. This time, for the first time, she will perform a dance accompanied by live Japanese music.) - Singer who graduated from the National Academy of Arts (Performed traditional Ukrainian songs) - 14-year-old painter (Exhibition of works) - Issha Dodom (A corporation established by only three refugees to support prosthetic limbs) Japanese - Subaru-kai (Singing by attendees of a program to support employment for people with severe intellectual disabilities) - Happiness (Children with disabilities from after-school day care center) (Song performance, intellectually disabled violinist performs Etopirika) -Japanese traditional arts (two women in traditional costumes spinning plates and umbrellas, etc.) -Japanese traditional musical instruments (shamisen) (Okinawa sanshin) Professional musicians will support the performance throughout At the end, the performers and participants will sing and dance together Exhibition - Recreating Ukraine with cultural items and family history items brought by evacuees when they fled Ukraine Finished products from monthly workshops Hyogo Prefecture International Association Grant Project Kobe Cultural Support Fund Grant Project Organizer: General Incorporated Association Art Forest (Appointed Hyogo Ukraine Support Charity Ambassador by Hyogo Prefecture) Co-organizer: 528 Co., Ltd. Supporter: University of Ukraine in Japan Embassy Issha Art Forest Representative Director: A non-profit organization established by high school student Karen Tamaki (Hyogo SDGs Organizer) and refugee Klarisa Kuharchu as a director. While helping her mother with music therapy, Karen Tamaki thought that music could be used to provide psychological care to Ukrainian refugees who speak a different language. After reading Zlata, a 16-year-old's diary, a book about a Ukrainian war refugee, and learning about the courage of a girl of her generation and her hardships in Japan, she began supporting refugees. Her activities were recommended by Yoshihiko Okabe, chairman of the Ukraine Research Association, and she was appointed and commissioned by Hyogo Prefecture as the "Hyogo Ukraine Support Charity Ambassador." Art Forest Karen Tamaki Jesse Tel: 07054333432 。。。 12月1日日曜13:00 兵庫県立美術館アトリエ1 「平和を歌うコンサート」 2025年日本財団の避難者経済支援が終了し ウクライナ避難者は日本で自活を始めることになります 私たちは避難者が日本で生きる後押しをしたいく 人と人を繋ぎ友情を結ぶ機会を更に重ねようと活動しています 4月から毎月ウクライナ避難者と日本人が一緒に歌い、手芸をし、お互いを理解する集まりを重ねてまいりました (その中で8月に山形浸水地域中古タオル支援が生まれました) 避難者は自分たちの文化が日本人に受け入れられる経験をし 日本人は戦争被害者から平和と文化を学ぶことができました 参加者は障がい者を含むウクライナと日本の5歳から85歳です 顔と顔を合わせ手を取り合う草の根の多文化共生・異世代文化国際交流を兵庫県から広げて参りたいと思います コンサート出演者 ウクライナ避難者 ・伝統舞踊プロダンサー(2年間表に出なかった。今回初めて日本人の生演奏で舞踊を披露されます。) ・国立芸術アカデミー卒の歌手(ウクライナ伝統歌唱を披露) ・14歳の画家(作品展示) ・一社ドドム(避難者3名だけで設立された義手義足支援の法人) 日本人 ・すばる会(重度知的障がい者就労支援事業通所者が歌を披露) ・ハッピネス(放課後デイから障がい児が歌を披露・知的障がいのあるバイオリン奏者がエトピリカを披露) ・日本伝統芸(伝統衣装女性2名による皿回し・傘回しなど) ・日本伝統楽器(三味線)(沖縄三線) 全体をプロミュージシャンが演奏サポートします 最後には出演者と参加者が一緒に歌い踊ります 展示 ・避難者がウクライナから避難する際に持ち出した文化品と家族の歴史の品でウクライナを再現 ・毎月のワークショップの完成品 兵庫県国際交流協会助成事業 神戸文化支援基金助成事業 主催 一般社団法人芸術の森(兵庫県よりひょうごウクライナ支援チャリティ大使の委嘱を頂いています) 共催 528株式会社 後援 在日ウクライナ大使館 一社芸術の森 代表理事高校生の玉木花怜(ひょうごSDGsオーガナイザー)が避難者クーハルチュークラリサを理事に迎えて設立した非営利法人です 玉木花怜は母が行う音楽療法を手伝う中で音楽を使えば言葉の違うウクライナ避難者のこころのケアが出来るのではないかと考えました ウクライナ戦争避難者の本「ズラータ、16歳の日記」を読み 同世代の少女の勇気と日本での苦労を知り避難者支援を始めました その活動はウクライナ研究会会長岡部芳彦から推薦され兵庫県より「ひょうごウクライナ支援チャリティ大使」に任命、委嘱されています 芸術の森 玉木花怜 ジェシィ でんわ07054333432


1st Dec.2024 13:00
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Musicians without Borders launches Kivu Youth Music

Musicians without Borders launches Kivu Youth Music

Musicians without Borders
Global Vision for Africa

"In 2024, [Musicians without Borders] launched Kivu Youth Music as a full partnership between Musicians Without Borders and the Congolese NGO, Global Vision for Africa. The Kivu Youth Music team run weekly workshops for children and youth who are directly affected by conflict, in Internally Displaced People camps and in orphanages. The music leaders are trained by the Rwanda Youth Music training team, in Musicians Without Borders’ methodology. The workshops provide creative, expressive, and joyful experiences for the young participants."


April 2024
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S4 E7 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: World Music Drumming Legacies and Visions

S4 E7 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: World Music Drumming Legacies and Visions

Music and Peacebuilding Podcast
Kevin Shorner-Johnson

"World Music Drumming offers opportunities for teachers to enrich general music curricula through ensemble-centered explorations of diverse musics. This episode with Patty Bourne, director of World Music drumming, explores the legacy of Will Schmid, impacts on teachers, expansions of musical visions, and the future of this curricula. Alongside voices of Lynn Brinckmeyer, Michael Checco, Fabian Galli, Melissa Blum, and Tereasa Evans, we look at the lasting impact of Will Schmid’s vision for music education. With Patty Bourne, we open up conversations about how encounters with Afro-centric music-making expand our understandings of music and music literacy. We also look at how we center these encounters as ethical encounters that are filled with practices of care. The episode is interspersed with recordings of ensembles from the 2023 World Music Drumming workshop at Elizabethtown College."

April 6th, 2024
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Music and Peacebuilding course opportunity

Music and Peacebuilding course opportunity

Dr. Benjamin Bergey, via the Summer Peacebuilding Institute

Dr. Benjamin Bergey will be offering a NEW course, available for professional development or for graduate academic credit, at the annual Summer Peacebuilding Institute in Harrisonburg, Virginia! In this course, we will examine various aspects of the potential application of music in peacebuilding activities. There is significant research showing the benefits of using the arts, and particularly music, in disciplines such as peacebuilding, conflict transformation, healing, and others. Furthermore, the cross-disciplinary synergy of music and peacebuilding, alongside music therapy, ethnomusicology, neuroaesthetics, neuroscience, empathy, diplomacy, protest, community engagement, and social justice to name a few, is significant and growing. There are vast numbers of organizations actively promoting social justice and various issues in peacebuilding through music, and we will learn how to find and evaluate efficacy throug various frameworks. Through this process students will also define their project topics for this course. We will also engage with various theories to avoid conceptual pitfalls and allow students to catch up with current developments, including ambivalence of music, musicking as action, controversies regarding the universality of music, how to make the extraordinary ordinary through repetition, and the inescapable interference of power relations in musical activities, all the way from the neuroscience of music individually to decolonial thinking and practice. The course will also spend significant time reading and discussing articles by active researchers in the field. Introductions to training from Musicians without Borders and Deep Listening will supplement the practical learning, with each student having the opportunity to practice musical facilitation in class.

United States

May 13-21, 2024
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CfP: SIMM research-seminar #8 on participatory opera and music theatre

CfP: SIMM research-seminar #8 on participatory opera and music theatre

Social Impact of Music Making (SIMM)
Academic Chair Jonet Guildhall School

SIMM research-seminar #8 on participatory opera and music theatre (Guildhall School, London, 9-11.09.24): SIMM is from 9 to 11th September 2O24 proposing a research seminar on this practice in London, in a close collaboration with the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and with the Ghent University-based Academic Chair Jonet. Deadline for applications is 15th April. (This event follows from the research-seminar which SIMM organised last year on participatory opera and music theatre at and with the Grand Teatre de Liceu in Barcelona).

United Kingdom

Proposals due 15th April, 2024
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Center for World Music hiring Managing Director

Center for World Music hiring Managing Director

Center for World Music

"The Center for World Music is a nonprofit organization that fosters intercultural awareness and understanding through in-depth encounters with the world’s performing arts traditions. In support of this goal, we sponsor educational outreach and performance. The Managing Director is a full-time position responsible for program oversight, management of the organization's internal functions, and assisting the Executive Director as needed. The Managing Director will work closely with and report to the Executive Director. Responsibilities include program leadership (e.g., schools, concerts, and events), finances, supervision, human resources, and communications. This position is hybrid. The Managing Director will have the flexibility to work from their home office but will be expected to attend some meetings and events in locations within San Diego County. This is a one-year contracted position, renewable depending on funding."

United States

Deadline April 1, 2024
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S4 E5-6 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Dignity and Belonging with Dr. Donna Hicks and Dr. Mica Estrada"

S4 E5-6 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Dignity and Belonging with Dr. Donna Hicks and Dr. Mica Estrada"

Music and Peacebuilding Podcast
Kevin Shorner-Johnson

"This is a two-part series exploring dignity with Dr. Donna Hicks and Dr. Mica Estrada. In this first episode, we spend time with Dr. Donna Hicks to discuss the magic of dignity, a South African heritage of Mandela Consciousness and Ubuntu, and what happens as we allow humility, vulnerability, and awe to foster an expansion of the self toward greater intraconnectedness. In the second episode, we explore psychological research on dignity, stereotype threat, belonging, self-efficacy, identity, and kindness with Dr. Mica Estrada. We also examine the legacy of Dr. Herbert Kellman and his influences on identity construction. We conclude the two-part series with reflections on Hicks’ elements of dignity."

January 2024
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Publication of journal issue “Inter- and Intrareligious Conflicts through/about Sound"

Publication of journal issue “Inter- and Intrareligious Conflicts through/about Sound"

Yale Journal of Music and Religion

"The Yale Journal of Music & Religion announces publication of a new issue: “Inter- and Intrareligious Conflicts through/about Sound” (vol. 9, no. 1), guest-edited by Prof. Ruth HaCohen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem). The issue includes part two of a special section on “Hymns Beyond the Congregation,” guest-edited by Drs. Philip Burnett (University of York) and Erin G. Johnson-Williams (University of Southampton)." (all articles Open Access)

January 2024
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CfP: "Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities" (conference)

CfP: "Music in Difficult Times: Global—Plural Temporalities" (conference)

Matralab Inter-X Arts Research Space, Concordia University

From global pandemics to rising inflation, through the expansion of authoritarian governments and military conflict, set against climate transformations caused by unchecked capitalist development, the world is now living (or perishing) through what Indo-German composer Sandeep Bhagawti cheekily calls “interesting times.” And yet, as is often the case during periods of crisis, these times have also seen countless forms of resistance, organizing, and creativity spring up in the face of hardship. Efforts to question and transform oppressive institutions and practices have emerged through organized students, artists, and activists who know that the future belongs to all. Since a crisis is always a turning point (krisis), it demands a time for thinking, a critical decision (krinein) that takes account of the present to imagine future possibilities. It is a time to gather, to listen broadly and critically. We are seeking proposals for a two-day interdisciplinary conference at Concordia University’s Matralab Inter-X Arts Research Space in Montréal, in the context of the Society for Contemporary Music of Quebec’s 2023-2024 Homage Season dedicated to composer and multimedia artist Sandeep Bhagwati. Inspired by the wide-ranging, interdisciplinary orientations of his work, the conference seeks performers, composers, academics, organizers, and diverse publics to examine the conditions, challenges, and possibilities for transformation in global musical communities..." Concordia University, Montreal. May 3–5, 2024


Proposal Deadline February 15, 2024
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1/28 Ukraine Festival ウクライナフェス

1/28 Ukraine Festival ウクライナフェス

共催 一般社団法人芸術の森 後援 在日ウクライナ大使館 神戸市灘区役所 公財兵庫国際交流協会

2024.01.28 兵庫県立美術館ギャラリー棟アトリエ1 神戸のウクライナの人たちを主役とするイベント ウクライナから日本へ来られた際に持ち出した民芸品をウクライナの人たちが展示します ウクライナ大使館からお借りした戦禍の子どもたちが描いた絵を展示します 11:00ウクライナの刺繍衣装と花冠を試着体験とウクライナの歌の練習 13:00マリア・ボタレンコさん講演「発行されなかった卒業証書」 15:00平和コンサート ウクライナの歌と踊り


2024-01-28 10:30-16:00
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New Grant Program Open: ArtsHERE

New Grant Program Open: ArtsHERE

National Endowment for the Arts

"Through grants and peer learning opportunities, ArtsHERE invests in organizations that have demonstrated a commitment to equity within their practices and programming, with the goal of increasing arts participation for underserved groups/communities, and sharing insights that may inform similar funding programs in the future."

United States

Interest due January 19, 2024
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Voices of Hope and Determination: Conversation and Song with the Leaders of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus

Voices of Hope and Determination: Conversation and Song with the Leaders of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus

Jerusalem Youth Chorus
Micah Hendler and Amer Abu Arqub

"We invite you to join us this December to share in the songs and stories of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus (JYC), an Israeli-Palestinian music and dialogue project raising voices of hope and determination that we can create an alternative to the cycle of violence. JYC Artistic and Executive Directors Micah Hendler and Amer Abu Arqub will be traveling the US on a musical speaking tour that will help us keep our common humanity at the center even in these times. Our engagements are experiential and participatory and include storytelling, performance, conversation, and community singing in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. We hope that all attendees will leave inspired and more equipped, despite all that is unfolding around us, to keep our hearts open to one another." Washington, DC, Chicago, New York, LA, Boston (see link for details)

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MindHarp FREE release

MindHarp FREE release

Mark Smulian & Stewart Redpath

Due to the rising anxiety in the world that seems to be impacting on all of us we are giving full free access to the MindHarp platform. Based on my personal experience of co founding the first Palestinian (From Gaza) Israeli 'rock, pop' band in 1998 I recognised the full power of music to create spaces for dialogue. I have been involved in music and peace building internationally since then. This ignited in me and my future business partner a desire to make it possible for anyone to immediately be able to engage actively with music, specifically those people who had never engaged actively with music at all. MindHarp is a web based platform that allows anyone to do that, seamlessly. At MindHarp we believe that the more people who engage actively with music will lead to a safer, gentler and healthier world. If you would like to know more please reach out to us ( or simply go to

United Kingdom

8/11/2023 and onwards
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Peacebuilding Effectiveness, event by Hybrid Communication in Peacebuilding

Peacebuilding Effectiveness, event by Hybrid Communication in Peacebuilding

Hybrid Communication In Peacebuilding

"This event will launch the recently published, fantastic edited collection on peacebuilding effectiveness, Are We Making a Difference: Global and Local Efforts to Assess Peacebuilding Effectiveness, edited by Hub member Dr. Stacey L. Connaughton & Dr. Jasmine R. Linabary. We will have two presentations from chapter contributors, as follows: Megan Renoir, PhD Candidate in History at the University of Cambridge, will present “Whose Peace? Prioritizing Local Perspectives to Inform our Understanding of Peacebuilding Effectiveness”. And Dr Zahid Shahab Ahmed and Dr Khan Zeb will present “The Challenges of Assessing Peacebuilding in Pakistan”." (online event, 5pm GMT)

United Kingdom

December 13th, 2023
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Singing for Social Change - Music Bus NL

Singing for Social Change - Music Bus NL

Musicians without Borders
Nicoline Snaas

"Come join us in Amsterdam every month, to sing, connect, and raise support for music projects around the world! Every second Monday of the month, Musicians Without Borders invites you invites you to come sing for social change! Experience the joy of singing: for yourself, as part of the group, and for change. You can join this vocal circle without any experience singing, without needing to know any songs beforehand, or being able to read music – if you like to sing, you’re welcome at Tolhuistuin! The events will be led by Nicoline Snaas, with years of experience as singer, teacher, workshop leader and conductor. Proceeds of the vocal circles will go to support the work of Musicians Without Borders. You can buy a donation ticket or make a donation after the event ends." December 11 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm CET


December 11, 2023 and every second Monday
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Open Call for Entries: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict

Open Call for Entries: Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict

Ihab Saloul and Britt Baillie, editors

"The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict (PECHC) is an interdisciplinary encyclopedia which critically analyses the relationship between cultural heritage and conflict as well as the tangible and intangible remnants, traces and spaces of competing heritages and memories of the past in the present. The encyclopaedia brings together leading and junior researchers and professionals from different disciplines across the humanities and social sciences to provide the state of the art and most comprehensive overview of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of cultural heritage and conflict." "Entries are welcome from academics, researchers, Postdocs, PhDs and postgraduate students and professionals in the field of cultural heritage and conflict or related areas and expertise."

posted fall 2023
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Jour Fixe – Art in Conflict

Jour Fixe – Art in Conflict

Center for Art and Peacebuilding (Zurich University of the Arts)

"CAP invites you to a regular “Jour Fixe”. In its work, the Foundation, as well as people involved in similarly structured projects at ZHdK, are repeatedly confronted with fundamental questions such as: “What are the specific qualities and possibilities of art in crisis areas?” “How can projects be realised that are conceived in a most multi-layered way?” and “Where is the limit of the feasible?” These and other questions will be discussed not only within the Foundation, but also with a wider group of interested people. The “Jour Fixe – Art in Conflict” is a hybrid event, held in English at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK or at the artasfoundation office, but also online. Each event starts with a question discussed in an input presentation with concrete approaches to “Art and Peacebuilding” (lecture and discussion at ZHdK and online; one – two times per semester) or sets the scene for a text that participants prepare individually and discuss with invited experts – or even the authors themselves (reading group at the artasfoundation office and online; three – four times per semester)."


November 15th, 2023
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Peace activities with Ukrainian evacuees through music

Peace activities with Ukrainian evacuees through music

General Incorporated Association Art Forest
528 Corporation; Embassy of Ukraine; jesse (musician and music therapist)

音楽でウクライナ避難者と平和活動: 2023年11月12日日曜13時 神戸元町ALWAS(神戸市中央区元町通1丁目8−4地下1階)078-384-3735 ・沖縄創価学会からお借りした沖縄戦の絵+音楽から感じる平和 ・ウクライナの伝統衣装体験 ・みんなでウクライナの歌を歌い踊ろう ウクライナの人と一緒に音楽と文化で平和の瞬間を作ります


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Vol. 8 Issue 3 of Music and Arts in Action (journal) published

Vol. 8 Issue 3 of Music and Arts in Action (journal) published

Music and Arts in Action

"The latest issue of Music and Arts in Action: an openaccess peer-reviewed journal published by the SocArts Research Group of the University of Exeter, UK. The first article of this issue, ‘Learning to Listen: Types of Musical Knowledge and Genre Preferences’, by Anna Michelson and Kat Albrecht, focuses on the relationship between musical knowledge and genre preferences... ‘Songs in the Canadian Women’s Movements: Messages Among Three Strands’, is co-authored by, William Danaher, Kelsey Kretschmer, Jason Eastman and Rachel Whaley. This article is a historical-comparative analysis of the importance of songs in three different strands of the women’s movement in Canada... ‘Obstacles to Justice: Examining the Relationships Between Arts Organizations and Probation Offices in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties’, by Jacob Cassman. Cassman shares a detailed account of correctional institutions and parole and probation offices in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties in Southern California... We are delighted to introduce a new format to MAiA in which authors can reflect on previous publications in this journal. The final article of this issue is an opinion piece by Geoff Baker, entitled, ‘The Third Way is Not The Only Way: Interrogating a Centrist Agenda for El Sistema’..." [text from MAiA Editorial Team's Editorial]

November 13th, 2023
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New OA article on Protest Music by Eric Drott

New OA article on Protest Music by Eric Drott

Eric Drott
Music Research Annual

Drott, Eric. 2023. “From Studies of Protest Music to Protest Music Studies: Mapping a Field That Doesn’t (Yet) Exist” Music Research Annual 4: 1–23. Abstract: "This article reviews recent literature on music, protest, and social movements. Its principal focus is on English-language research being conducted in North America and the United Kingdom, dispersed across such disciplines as music studies, social movement studies, anthropology, political science, sociology, and area studies, among others. Four recent trends are highlighted: work that stresses the importance of affect to music’s political efficacy; studies addressing the soundscapes of protest events, including the tactical use of noise and silence by activists; research on media ecosystems, with a particular emphasis on online and social media’s impact on protest movements; and work that throws into relief the contradictory and ambivalent effects of protest musicking. By drawing attention to these areas of common concern, the article aims to foster dialogue among scholars working in different disciplinary spaces, as a way of mapping the terrain where a future protest music studies might take root and flourish."

Published November 2023
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S4 E3-4 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Sound Connects Us: The Betweenness of Sonic Experience"

S4 E3-4 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Sound Connects Us: The Betweenness of Sonic Experience"

Music and Peacebuilding Podcast
Kevin Shorner-Johnson

"In this two-part series with Dr. Nina Kraus we examine the neuroscience of our hearing brains, exploring how we make meaning from our sonic worlds. In episode 1, we look at the afferent and efferent journeys as our brains construct meaning from sonic experience. Examining reading, we understand how reading is powered by the strength of our recognition of frequency, harmonics, FM sweeps, and other ingredients. We explore the impact of musical training and bilingual experience on comprehension, synchrony, abilities to hear sounds in noise, our belonging, and our empathetic capacities to respond to affect. The two-episode series concludes with an examination of the violence of noise and sound and the resulting impacts on our health and wellbeing."

October 28, 2023
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CfP: “Social Inclusion, Community, and Belonging at International Music Festivals”

CfP: “Social Inclusion, Community, and Belonging at International Music Festivals”

Migration Matters Festival
University of Sheffield

"Festivals play important and diverse roles in communities and societies around the world. International music festivals which bring together performers from different places and cultural backgrounds have emerged in response to processes of mobility, migration, multiculturalism and transnationalism. This symposium explores the impacts of international music festivals and considers their implications for social inclusion, community, and belonging. We hope that participants will gain new perspectives on the issues affecting festivals today and share ideas about their future possibilities. The symposium will take place at the University of Sheffield, 13-14 JUNE 2024. It is hosted in partnership with Migration Matters Festival, which celebrates the diversity of Sheffield through the performing arts. This festival will provide a vibrant setting for our conversations on the significance of festivals locally and globally. Please send the following information to · 200–300 words abstract for paper proposals; max 1 page outlining the aims, methods and duration of the session for workshops or other formats. Presentations should be delivered in either English or Spanish. · 50–100 words personal biography highlighting relevant activities and experience. · Institutional affiliation (if applicable) and contact information. · Please state whether you would prefer to attend in person in Sheffield or contribute online. Please note that online presentations will be required to record their presentations in advance of the symposium and be present virtually to take part in the discussion following their presentation. If you have any access needs, please let us know and we will do our best to meet them."

United Kingdom

Deadline December 15th, 2023
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MOMRI Exhibition & Min-On’s 60th Anniversary

MOMRI Exhibition & Min-On’s 60th Anniversary

Min-On Museum

On October 18, 2023 the Min-On Concert Association celebrated the 60th year anniversary of its establishment in 1963. On that occasion, the Min-On Music Research Institute (MOMRI) launched an exhibition called “Music in Peacebuilding” that will last until June 30, 2024 at the Min-On Museum in Tokyo. Numerous panels and short films invite visitors to explore the potential roles of music in the promotion of more peaceful societies based on principles of coexistence and respect for the dignity of life. Two television screens show videos produced by MOMRI on a loop, including the songs Far Away and We Are The Future. The exhibition features the very first walkman produced by Sony in 1979 as well as an original edition of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony score dating back to 1826, and a vinyl record of Strange Fruit sung by Billie Holiday, along with numerous unique objects integrated in a narrative linking people, music, peace, and society. For the more academically-minded visitors, there is a panel featuring some of the conceptual pillars of Music in Peacebuilding (ambivalence, musicking, non-universality and more), a visual interpretation of Gillian Howell’s renowned article on Peaces of Music linking various musical activities with peace outcomes, and a video with Japanese subtitles giving step-by-step explanations on how to use the MOMRI Hub most effectively to find articles, organizations, individuals announcements, resources and more.


Oct. 13, 2023 to June 30, 2024
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Santuri Electronic Music Academy (SEMA) Wins 2023 IMC Music Rights Award

Santuri Electronic Music Academy (SEMA) Wins 2023 IMC Music Rights Award

International Music Council
Santuri Electronic Music Academy

"The International Music Council (IMC) is pleased to announce that the 2023 Music Rights Award is given to the Santuri Electronic Music Academy (SEMA) from Nairobi, Kenya. The project was nominated by the Goethe-Institut Nairobi. The IMC Music Rights Award is a symbolic and active recognition of the effort that is brought by each actor involved in the nominated programmes. With this Award, IMC encourages its members and other organisations to give active support to the Five Music Rights proclaimed by the organisation... Santuri is a music innovation hub which offers music production courses, workshops, showcases, panels, cultural preservation activities and community focused events and seminars."


November 2023
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CfP Art for Sustenance (conference)

CfP Art for Sustenance (conference)

Arts in Society
Hanyang University

"The Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement, examination, and experimentation, developing ideas that connect the arts to their contexts in the world – on stage, in studios and theaters, in classrooms, in museums and galleries, on the streets and in communities. The Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society features research addressing the following annual themes and special focus: THEME 1: PEDAGOGIES OF THE ARTS THEME 2: ARTS HISTORIES AND THEORIES THEME 3: NEW MEDIA, TECHNOLOGY, AND THE ARTS THEME 4: THE ARTS IN SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND COMMUNITY LIFE" Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea + Online

Korea, South

Proposal deadline April 24, 2024. Conference May 24-26 2024
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New Data Reveal How Adults Participated in the Arts During COVID-19

New Data Reveal How Adults Participated in the Arts During COVID-19

National Endowment for the Arts

"What was the impact of COVID-19 on arts participation? New research released today by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) notes that between July 2021 and July 2022, more than half of all adults created and/or performed art—similar to findings in 2017, the last time the survey was conducted. During the same time period, just under half of all adults attended in-person arts events, a significant drop from 2017. A separate survey shows that 82 percent of respondents watched or listened to arts activities through digital media between 2021 and 2022. These and other findings about in-person and virtual arts participation, and about adults’ reading habits, are available in two new NEA research publications: Arts Participation Patterns in 2022: Highlights from the Survey of Public Participation in the Arts and Online Audiences for Arts Programming: A Survey of Virtual Participation Amid COVID-19."

United States

published October 2023
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U.S. Department of State launched the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

U.S. Department of State launched the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative

US State Department

"On September 27, 2023, the U.S. Department of State launched the Global Music Diplomacy Initiative, which builds on existing music diplomacy efforts and delivers upon on the bipartisan Promoting Peace, Education, and Cultural Exchange (PEACE) Through Music Diplomacy Act that President Biden signed into law last year. This Act called on the Department to use public-private partnerships to support music diplomacy. In addition, at the September 27 launch, the Department announced the first Peace Through Music Award. The award recognizes and honors an American music industry professional, artist, or group, that has played an invaluable role in cross-cultural exchanges and whose musical work advances peace and mutual understanding globally."

United States

launched September 2023
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Groundbreaking Study Reveals Impact of the Arts on Communities Across America

Groundbreaking Study Reveals Impact of the Arts on Communities Across America

Americans for the Arts

"Americans for the Arts (AFTA), the leading organization for research and advocacy for the arts in the United States, announces the findings of its Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 Study (AEP6), the most comprehensive economic and social impact study of the nation's $151.7 billion nonprofit arts and culture industry. In 2022, the arts generated $151.7 billion in economic activity and supported a staggering 2.6 million jobs nationwide. The study surveyed more than 224,000 audience members and arts and culture organizations in 373 diverse communities across all 50 states and Puerto Rico. AEP6 marks the most extensive data collection effort in the three decades of the study, demonstrating that arts and culture are a critical economic driver of vibrant communities of all sizes."

United States

published October 2023
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Support for artists in the Arab region who are at risk

Support for artists in the Arab region who are at risk

Stand for Art

Stand for Art supports artists and cultural actors in the Arab region who are at risk. At risk means that they are threatened and in physical danger because of their artistic output or cultural activities or that they are in grave peril due to conditions in their environment (such as war or civil strife). Culture Resource launched this program in 2016 after conducting a study of the risks facing artists and cultural actors in this region and the types of support available to them locally and internationally.

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S4 E1 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Dancing the Dance of Emotions Between Us with Batja Mesquita"

S4 E1 Podcast Music and Peacebuilding: "Dancing the Dance of Emotions Between Us with Batja Mesquita"

Music and Peacebuilding Podcast
Kevin Shorner-Johnson

"Exploring the research of Batja Mesquita and other cultural psychologists and social psychologists, this episode examines how emotions are enacted between humans. Challenging the US-centric worldview that emotions are only within an individual, Mesquita notes that emotions are continuously enacted within culture and relationships. Our podcast contrasts differences in Japanese orientations with amae, omoiyuri, and haji or shame. Drawing upon research on happiness, we examine how happiness has changed across time and how happiness differs across cultures. Within Latin American cultures, notions of simpatía and familísmo construct happiness as relational and go-with-the flow agreeablenes. The episode concludes with an examination of the relevance of emotions to conflict transformation and the importance of approaching emotional disconnects with a spirit of empathy, perspective taking, and curiosity."

September 2023
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MusicLab Copenhagen results hybrid launch event

MusicLab Copenhagen results hybrid launch event

MusicLab, University of Oslo

"In the fall of 2021, one of the world’s finest string quartets, “The Danish String Quartet” (DSQ) and a large team of international researchers based at RITMO, University of Oslo, co-hosted “MusicLab Copenhagen” – a groundbreaking event where DSQ performed their best repertoire, while researchers experimented with, measured, and analyzed the experiences and behavior of musicians and audience: Do we become one grand “We” when absorbed in music together? How do we synchronize our bodily rhythms with the music? As an innovative musical and scientific format, the concert has been widely reported on and also won “Event of the Year” from the Danish national broadcasting corporation (DR P2). Now, the scientific results are in and we are excited to share them with you at this hybrid launch-event." Event will be streamed online on YouTube.


October 26th, 2023
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Voices of Peace in Times of War

Voices of Peace in Times of War

Jerusalem Youth Chorus

"Join the Jerusalem Youth Chorus and guest artists for a musical online gathering to lift up Palestinian and Israeli voices for peace. Join us online to lift up the voices of our Israeli and Palestinian young singers and other powerful artists using their music to foster dialogue, understanding, and empathy. Let us use the power of words and music to heal wounds and bridge divides, even in the worst of times."

Sunday, October 22 · 1-2pm EST
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SEM 2023 Preliminary Program Announced

SEM 2023 Preliminary Program Announced

Society for Ethnomusicology
Canadian Museum of History, Carleton University, and Queen’s University

The Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) has announced the Preliminary Program for its 2023 Annual Meeting, to be held in Ottawa, Canada (October 19-22, 2023). The following sessions may be of interest to those working in Music in Peacebuilding: - 1F "Environmental and Sonic Activisms" - 1G "Protest Music and the Central American Conflicts of the 1980s" - 2C "Sounding Solidarity: Can Ethnomusicology Bridge Academic and Activist Understandings of Politics?" - 2I "Datasets and Soundmapping" - 3H "Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East" -4C "Art, Protest, and Safety during the "Woman, Life, Freedom" movement in Iran" - 9H "Defiance, Resistance, and Rebellion" - 9K "New Directions for Musical Aid: Spaces, Discourses, Institutions" - 10G "Wellbeing and Healing" For abstracts, presenters, and details, please see here: Of interest may also be meetings of the Applied Ethnomusicology Section and SIG for the Study of Music and Violence


October 19-22, 2023
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CfP Special Issue: Music education among refugee and migrant youths: sharing, belonging, including

CfP Special Issue: Music education among refugee and migrant youths: sharing, belonging, including

Music and Arts in Action
Alix Didier Sarrouy and Chrysi Kyratsou

Music and Arts in Action – Call for Papers. Thematic Issue: "Music education among refugee and migrant youths: sharing, belonging, including," Edited by Alix Didier Sarrouy (Nova University Lisbon) and Chrysi Kyratsou (Queen's University Belfast). "Forced migration and musical engagement In the global context of forced exiles, music is a significant artistic resource for promoting education among young migrants and refugees, which encourages the potential for social inclusion (Marsh, 2016; Odena, 2022; O’Neill, 2008). Music educators, and the organisations for which they work, attempt to ensure the efficiency of this resource. The actions and reactions that each musical setting accommodates are versatile, determined by the intersections among migrant populations, host cultures, caring organisations, and the socio-eco-political contexts within which these actions take place. Bearing this in mind, the pedagogical methods and the particularities of music may become crucial tools for education, inclusion, and citizenship."

October 15th, 2023
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Publication of Volume 17, Issue 2 of Music & Politics (journal)

Publication of Volume 17, Issue 2 of Music & Politics (journal)

Music & Politics

"The editors of Music & Politics are pleased to announce the release of Volume 17, Issue 2. The latest issue of this open-access journal is now available online, along with all previous issues" Articles: Audrey M. Wozniak, Orienting a Nation: The Turkish National Anthem Controversies Lena Leson, "No Anthem Linked to Russia": Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 at the Olympic Games Ho-yan Tang, Dancing with Anthems, Godzilla and Laser Pointers: Performance as Protest in the Post-Umbrella Movement Era and the 2019 Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement in Hong Kong Rebecca Draisey-Collishaw and Kip Pegley, "Disinclined to Politicize"? Music and Canadian Politics 2.0

September 2023
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Al-Musiqa Tajm'ana (Music Brings Us Together) Program Celebrates Third Year of Activities in Jordan

Al-Musiqa Tajm'ana (Music Brings Us Together) Program Celebrates Third Year of Activities in Jordan

Musicians Without Borders & Soka Gakkai

Based on a partnership between Musicians Without Borders and Soka Gakkai, this program brings together musicians, social workers and teachers to organize activities for children, providing creativity, hope and joy through music for social inclusion.


Ongoing since 2021.
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Lancet Global Series on the health benefits of the arts

Lancet Global Series on the health benefits of the arts

Jameel Arts & Health Lab
World Health Organization

"WHO and the Jameel Arts & Health Lab have announced a forthcoming Lancet Global Series on the health benefits of the arts. The research collaboration, which kicked off on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), builds on a 2019 WHO report that presented evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being. The report identified the contribution that the arts may have in promoting good health and health equity, preventing illness, and treating acute and chronic conditions across the life-course. These activities can range from dance programmes for people with Parkinson’s Disease, music therapy for pain management, and drama therapy to support social-emotional development, among many others."

September 25th, 2023
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Making Peace Everyone's Issue (hybrid event)

Making Peace Everyone's Issue (hybrid event)

Alliance for Peacebuilding
Institute for Economics and Peace

Making Peace Everyone's Issue: How Peacebuilders Can Tell the Story of Peacebuilding in Action to Any Audience. "exploring how to reframe peacebuilding in a way that advances its integration with other sectoral efforts and promotes more effective policies and programs. The event will showcase several local civil society organizations and their innovative approaches to address drivers of violent conflict and build sustainable peace across sectors. A follow-on panel discussion will then surface challenges and opportunities to support integrative efforts, as well as collect and leverage data to tell the story of peacebuilding." September 26th, 2023 10am EST

United States

September 26th, 2023
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Wallace Foundation hiring Research Officer, Arts

Wallace Foundation hiring Research Officer, Arts

Wallace Foundation

"The Foundation is seeking a Research Officer who can collaboratively contribute to the development and implementation of learning agenda strategies in the arts, which encompass programs for public arts organizations as well as youth arts programs. This work involves managing a suite of research grants in the arts and participating as an active member of the six-person research unit to develop systems and strategies for supporting equitable and impactful research across the Foundation’s three focus areas."

United States

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Peter Barakan's Music Film Festival

Peter Barakan's Music Film Festival

Peter Barakan

This is an excerpt from an article in the Japan Times: Barakan is in his third year as curator and namesake of Peter Barakan’s Music Film Festival, which runs this year from today through Sept. 21 at Kadokawa Cinema Yurakucho in Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward. The three-week event will feature 31 films including documentaries, concert films and narrative films centered on music. The England-born broadcaster has been a fixture in Japanese music media for decades and currently hosts multiple radio shows such as the Sunday evening music program “Barakan Beat” on InterFM. Outside Japan, he may be best known as the host of the NHK cultural TV series, “Japanology Plus.”


Sept. 1 to 21, 2023
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Participate in #PeaceIs Campaign

Participate in #PeaceIs Campaign

Alliance for Peacebuilding

"At the Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), we believe that everyone from all sectors can play a role in peacebuilding, and that peace can be built in faraway places and in neighborhoods just down the street. In celebration of International Day of Peace 2023, AfP invites you to share a story of peacebuilding, why it matters, and what peace and peacebuilding mean to you. Building and advancing the peacebuilding field is what we do. But what exactly is peacebuilding? The field struggles to successfully communicate what peacebuilding is. Peacebuilding is often perceived as an intangible and passive end state rather than an active, interconnected, and vital part of global policies and laws impacting assistance and diplomacy. Knowing that peacebuilding comes in many different forms, we at AfP pose to you a simple, yet thought provoking question: “Peace is what?” In the leadup to International Day of Peace, AfP invites you to share a specific program, initiative, or story that embodies what peace means to your organization."

September 2023
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Registration open: Online evaluation training for arts, culture and heritage professionals

Registration open: Online evaluation training for arts, culture and heritage professionals

Centre for Cultural Value
University of Leeds

Together with the University of Leeds, The Centre for Cultural Value is launching a new, free-to-access online course: Evaluation for Arts, Culture and Heritage: Principles and Practice. This self-guided course offers the opportunity to hear from experts, develop new approaches and build your evaluation skills and confidence. Registration is now open on the FutureLearn website. Course content will be released on Monday 18 September 2023, with further content released the following week.

United Kingdom

available September 18th, 2023
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Sounds of Saving opening -- Executive Director

Sounds of Saving opening -- Executive Director

Sounds of Saving

"Sounds of Saving (SoS) is seeking its inaugural Executive Director to help catapult the organization to the next level. We are a small and mighty organization founded on the belief that human connection to music can lead to a positive impact on mental health."

United States

September 15th, 2023
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A Music & Arts Centre at the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp, Uganda.

A Music & Arts Centre at the Bidi Bidi Refugee Camp, Uganda.

Excerpt from a CNN post available at "The Bidi Bidi Music & Arts Centre was conceived by the developer, which works with vulnerable communities and displaced people to improve their quality of life., which works on philanthropic and creative initiatives, surveyed the settlement’s residents on what they wanted in their community — and the response was “a place for dance, music and performance” (...) see also:


Soon to be completed (as of Sept. 2023)
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Orchestras of Afghanistan International Study Day

Orchestras of Afghanistan International Study Day

Orchestras of Afghanistan Research Stakeholders' Group
Max-Planck-Institut für empirische Ästhetik

"On 15 August 2021, the efforts to rejuvenate Afghanistan’s unique orchestral traditions from the 20th century were interrupted by the Taliban’s immediate and brutal censorship of music across the country upon gaining power. In exile, Afghan musicians and scholars have been collaborating with Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey and international colleagues to document the historical and contemporary activities of Afghanistan’s orchestral practices, while working to support the continuing flourishing of the orchestral music of Afghanistan through new commissions and concerts. This one-day International Study Day brings together scholars and practitioners for the first time to present the research of the Orchestras of Afghanistan Research Stakeholders’ Group and to engage in a wider discussion about the future of Afghanistan’s orchestral traditions and the situation for the country’s musicians today. Individual papers and panel discussions will be followed by a roundtable discussion for all attendees and participants. Guest Speakers and Chairs Aryana Sayeed (Singer), Professor John Baily (Goldsmiths, University of London), Dr Razia Sultanova (University of Cambridge), Dr Ahmad Sarmast (Afghanistan National Institute of Music), Dr Waheedullah Saghar (Kabul University), Fraidoon Ilham and Travis Beard (Sound Central), Dr Mejgan Massoumi (Stanford University), Munazza Ebtikar (University of Oxford) and Darren Ferguson (Beyond Skin) Research Stakeholders’ Group Members Speaking Professor Islamuddin Feroz (Kabul University), Ghafar Maliknezhad (Kabul University), Fazila Zameer (University of Weimar), Mohammad Qambar Nawshad (Conductor and Composer), Arson Fahim (Longy School of Music), Mirwaiss Sidiqi (Aga Khan Music Initiative) and Qudrat Wasefi (Longy School of Music), Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey (University of Sheffield) and Dr Lauren Braithwaite (University of Oxford). Conveners Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey (PI, The Orchestras of Afghanistan, University of Sheffield) Dr Lauren Braithwaite (University of Oxford). For further information and the full programme for the day, please visit: Online registration (free): . Please email Dr Ponchione-Bailey at if you wish to attend in person. The Study Day will be conducted in English and Persian (Farsi/Dari). Online AI automatic translation (captioning) will be used for spoken English to Persian and Persian to English."


September 8th, 2023
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Lewis Prize for Music new video series on Creative Youth Development

Lewis Prize for Music new video series on Creative Youth Development

Lewis Award for Music
Beyond the Bars, Hyde Square Task Force, Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, and Saint Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective

The Lewis Prize for Music has released their 2023 video series, “Accelerating Change: Creative Youth Development Across the United States”. This series is comprised of short films highlighting organizations working in Creative Youth Development, including: Beyond the Bars, Hyde Square Task Force, Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit, and Saint Louis Story Stitchers Artists Collective (representing communities in Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, and Saint Louis).

United States

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Stand for Sudanese Artists

Stand for Sudanese Artists

Action for Hope
Sudan Film Factory, the Arab Digital Expression Foundation (ADEF), Ettijahat – Independent Culture, and the Sudan Artist Fund (SAF)

"Stand for Sudanese Artists Action for Hope and Culture Resource (Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafy) are launching an emergency initiative to support Sudanese artists and protect cultural resources in Sudan. This initiative started two months after the war in Sudan broke out, causing the death, and displacement of hundreds of thousands of civilians, including a large number of artists and writers who lost their homes, properties, and livelihoods, besides those who got injured or killed. This war also led to the destruction of several cultural resources, including collections of artworks, libraries and archives featuring important materials; noting that a considerable number of these resources are still at risk of destruction and theft. This initiative includes different components, such as providing support to artists and writers who have been directly affected by the war, identifying and documenting the cultural and artistic resources at risk in Sudan and exploring ways to protect them, providing workplaces and meeting spaces for Sudanese artists who had to leave Sudan recently, and training a group of cultural actors from Sudan and South Sudan on protecting cultural rights in times of war and crisis. The initiative will announce the opening of its different components successively, and the relevant information will be published on both institutions’ websites and social media pages. This initiative is the result of solidarity among several organizations, including the DOEN Foundation in the Netherlands and PEN America’s Artists at Risk Connection. It is also the result of a collaboration between a number of cultural organizations in the Arab region, including Sudan Film Factory, the Arab Digital Expression Foundation (ADEF), Ettijahat – Independent Culture, and the Sudan Artist Fund (SAF)."


announced June 20th, 2023
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Peace begins with drums: The case of conflict resolution between Omoruo and Lohilai residents

Peace begins with drums: The case of conflict resolution between Omoruo and Lohilai residents

United Nations Mission in South Sudan
Africa Media Agency

"Music lovers will know that star drummers, and drumming in general, tend to divide opinions and, in some cultures, become symbols of teenage love, longing and angst. It is, however, less known that peace, in some cases, may very well begin with drums. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan, UNMISS, is currently supporting a community-led initiative to restore harmonious relations between the two villages of Omoruo and Lohilai, with percussions hoped to play a key role. In December last year, members of the two communities, who used to coexist without frictions, were rocked by outbursts of violence as a result of both sides accusing each other of targeted killings and road ambushes. In a particularly memorable – for all the wrong reasons – attack, no less than 23 exquisitely handmade wooden drums belonging to Omoruo musicians were burnt to ashes. Now, following joint efforts to mend relations, the tide seems to have turned, in part thanks to a music-producing peace offering made by the UN Peacekeeping mission’s Civil Affairs Division. “We are experiencing real peace between our villages again, with women and men travelling to both areas without any problems or security issues. Last week they invited us for a traditional ceremony in Lohilai. This shows that we have finally achieved reconciliation,” said Ikeye Ihiju, a women’s representative living in Omoruo. During a recent peace dialogue facilitated by civil society organizations, the church, local authorities and other influencers, it was agreed that damages caused during the conflict should be compensated, drums included. UNMISS peacekeepers resolved to step in, by making a first installment. “We have handed over eleven drums to the Omorou village, with the rest to be delivered once we see those imaginary white flags of peace flap permanently in the wind. More peace, more music, you could say,” explained Civil Affairs Officer Hercules Ayahu Abalu, serving with UNMISS. So far, so good, according to Osman Anthony, a Lohilai community representative. “We have returned to our usual state of peaceful relations. What happened between us is history; now we need to focus on rebuilding and develop our area,” he said. An indication of prevailing goodwill between the two villages is the fact that some 1,500 people, mostly women and children, who once fled intense violence, have returned to their homes. Distributed by African Media Agency (AMA) on behalf of UNMISS." The post Peace begins with drums: The case of conflict resolution between Omoruo and Lohilai residents appeared first on African Media Agency.

South Sudan

June 19th, 2023
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UK Musicians' Union Offering Free Refugee Musicians Membership

UK Musicians' Union Offering Free Refugee Musicians Membership

Musicians' Union

"The new membership for musicians escaping famine, conflict and persecution means that refugees can now join the MU for one year for free, and access all the union’s advice and services to help build their lives in the UK."

United Kingdom

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Music in Common announces the release of the first single from Vol. 1, the debut album from the Black Legacy Project.

Music in Common announces the release of the first single from Vol. 1, the debut album from the Black Legacy Project.

Music in Common

Music in Common announces the release of the first single from Vol. 1, the debut album from the Black Legacy Project. What is the Color of the Soul of a Man? is a Jimmy Driftwood song from 1963 given a whole new neo-soul spin by our uber talented Black LP Ozarks musicians.

United States

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"Towards an Ethnomusicology of Peace Jurisprudence" presentation by Dr. Angela Impey

"Towards an Ethnomusicology of Peace Jurisprudence" presentation by Dr. Angela Impey

Angela Impey

Dr. Angela Impey recently gave a colloquium at the University of Cambridge on the topic, "Towards an Ethnomusicology of Peace Jurisprudence." Please see link for abstract.

United Kingdom

May 24th, 2023
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Music and Conflict: The Politics and Escapism of Wartime Culture

Music and Conflict: The Politics and Escapism of Wartime Culture

University of Surrey

The Institute of Austrian and German Music Research (IAGMR) is hosting a two-day conference on the topic ‘Music and Conflict: The Politics and Escapism of Wartime Culture’ in Austrian and German contexts. This conference explores the various relationships between music and war across historical and contemporary Austrian and German environments. It addresses issues of music and resistance or escapism, music and the sounding of violence, music and propaganda, music and the German political regimes of WWII, and music and the re-writing of political narratives. The papers, keynotes and lecture recitals thereby together investigate the deep involvement of musical composition, performance, criticism, and reception within zones and periods of conflict in Austrian and German culture and history.

United Kingdom

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Elizabethtown College Celebrates Inaugural Master of Music Education Graduates

Elizabethtown College Celebrates Inaugural Master of Music Education Graduates

Elizabethtown College

"Three years since the launch of the Master of Music Education (MME) program at Elizabethtown College, six students from the inaugural cohort have completed the requirements for graduation and were recognized at the College’s 120th Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 13... Elizabethtown College’s innovative MME program is the only one of its kind in the country to combine a focus on social-emotional learning, world music drumming, trauma-informed practice, and peacebuilding. Capstone projects: - Mattering in the Music Room by Sara Alipanah ’23 - Music is a Rite: Ritual Action and Identity Formation in the Music Classroom by Ian Davis ‘23 - The Music and Peacebuilding of Fred Rogers by Jared Johnson ’23 - Trauma-informed Toolkit for Music Educators by Michelle Kisner ’23 - Barriers to Music Education for Early Childhood Intervention Programs by Jamie Marrs ’23 - Utilizing Circle Processes for Whole Class Composition in a General Music Class: An Autoethnographic Study of One Teacher’s Experience by Emily Reep ’23" see full announcement:

United States

May 13th, 2023
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Music in Common receives the 2023 SERFA (Southeast Regional Folk Alliance) Award

Music in Common receives the 2023 SERFA (Southeast Regional Folk Alliance) Award

Music in Common

Music in Common receives the 2023 SERFA (Southeast Regional Folk Alliance) Award at the 2023 annual conference.

United States

May 2023
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Jerusalem Youth Chorus Touring the US (cancelled)

Jerusalem Youth Chorus Touring the US (cancelled)

Jerusalem Youth Chorus
Uniting Voices Chicago

CANCELLED. OCT 25, 2023: Chicago: "This free concert will unite singers from Chicago and Jerusalem to explore the the far-reaching impact of sound and its power to transcend the barriers that divide us." with Nina Kraus and Uniting Voices Chicago. OCT 26, 2023: Wash. DC: "Palestinian and Israeli voices—singing for peace, justice, inclusion, and equality"

United States

October 25-26, 2023
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