MOMRI Exhibition & Min-On’s 60th Anniversary
October 18, 2023
Olivier Urbain

On October 18, 2023 the Min-On Concert Association celebrated the 60th year anniversary of its establishment in 1963. On that occasion, the Min-On Music Research Institute (MOMRI) launched an exhibition called “Music in Peacebuilding” that will last until June 30, 2024 at the Min-On Museum in Tokyo.
Numerous panels and short films invite visitors to explore the potential roles of music in the promotion of more peaceful societies based on principles of coexistence and respect for the dignity of life. Two television screens show videos produced by MOMRI on a loop, including the songs Far Away and We Are The Future. The exhibition features the very first walkman produced by Sony in 1979 as well as an original edition of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony score dating back to 1826, and a vinyl record of "Strange Fruit" sung by Billie Holiday, along with numerous unique objects integrated in a narrative linking people, music, peace, and society.
For the more academically-minded visitors, there is a panel featuring some of the conceptual pillars of Music in Peacebuilding (ambivalence, musicking, non-universality and more), a visual interpretation of Gillian Howell’s renowned article on Peaces of Music linking various musical activities with peace outcomes, and a video with Japanese subtitles giving step-by-step explanations on how to use the MOMRI Hub most effectively to find articles, organizations, individuals announcements, resources and more.