Keywords for Music in Peacebuilding
December 21, 2018
Olivier Urbain
Michael Golden
Craig Robertson
Elaine Sandoval

Special Issue of Music and the Arts in Action (MAiA)
Edited by MOMRI
It is a great pleasure to announce the publication of Keywords for Music in Peacebuilding, edited by MOMRI, as a special issue of Music and the Arts in Action (MAiA Vol 6 No 2, 2018).
We’d like to invite all of you to read, share, discuss, and start a global conversation regarding music in peacebuilding, focusing on this outstanding collection of articles. Note that due to the tremendous interest generated by this special issue, MOMRI is already planning a second volume. But first things first, here is a short introduction to the issue. Enjoy!
Music in peacebuilding is an emergent field with interested scholars representing a variety of intertwined fields (…); there are numerous practitioners and activists who are involved in the work of music in peacebuilding, sometimes explicitly connected through their work to music and peacebuilding and sometimes implicitly.
The Min-On Music Research Institute (MOMRI), based in Tokyo, Japan, is possibly the only research organization in the world dedicated solely to music in peacebuilding. (…) After many discussions and break-out groups failed to develop consistent frameworks, MOMRI decided that we should attempt to find a common set of reference points and discourses to facilitate collaborative work in the future. This special issue of Music and the Arts in Action on Keywords for Music in peacebuilding is the result of this process.
Photo accompanying this issue generously provided by Ian Middleton.
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